Ann Lovell's Fabulous Banana Bibliography

Sept. 7, 2016
These are books and articles in my collection.

Abella, Alex. The Total Banana. New York : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1979.

About Bananas; For the School Class Room. Boston : United Fruit Company, 1930.

About Bananas. Boston : United Fruit Company, 1931. (2 copies)

About Bananas. Boston : United Fruit Company, 1936.

About Bananas. Boston : United Fruit Company, 1941.

About Bananas, For the School Class Room. Boston : United Fruit Company, 1930.

Adams, Frederick Upham. Conquest of the Tropics, The Story of the Creative Enterprises Conducted by the United Fruit Company. Garden City, NY : Doubleday, Page and Company, 1914.

"Adventures of Good King Banana, Friend of Little Folk," [cartoon] Child Life, May 1930.

All-Time Favorite Banana Recipes. Franklin, TN : Dalmation Press, 2005.

Ancona, George. Bananas from Manolo to Margie. New York : Clarion Books, 1982.

Anderson, Barbara J. "Yes! Bunches and Bunches of Bananas on Stamps." Linn's Stamp News, May 26, 2003, p. 48.

Anderson, Sara. Fruit. [n.l.] : Sara Anderson Children's Books, 2008.

Andress, J. Mace and Julia E. Dickson. Radio Bound for Banana Land. Boston : United Fruit Company, 1932. (2 copies)

Andress, J. Mace and Julia E. Dickson. Radio Bound for Banana Land. New York : United Fruit Company, 1942.

Anna Banana. Twenty Years of Fooling Around with Anna Banana. Vancouver, BC : Anna Banana, 1990. (2 copies)

Anna Banana. Why Bananas? Wedgepress & Cheese, 1986.

Answers to Questions Frequently Asked About Bananas. New York : Fruit Dispatch Company, [193?].

Answers to Questions Frequently Asked About Bananas. New York : Fruit Dispatch Company, [194?].

Answers to Questions Frequently Asked About Bananas. New York : United Fruit Company, 1950.

Answers to Questions Frequently Asked About Bananas. New York : United Fruit Company, 1951.

Answers to Questions Frequently Asked About Bananas. New York : United Fruit Company, 1956.

Arthur, Joe. The Bananas Dating Test. New York : A Bananas Book From Scholastic Paperbacks, 1982.

Austin, W. Timothy. Banana Justice; Field Notes on Philippine Crime and Custom. Westport, CT : Praeger, 1999.

The Australian Banana Industry (poster). Melbourne : Melbourne Banana Promotion Bureau, [n.d.].

The Australian Banana-Paw Paw Recipe Book. Huonville, Australia : Southern Holdings Pty Ltd, 1994.

Bake a Batch of Banana Quick Breads. New York : United Fruit Company, [1947?]. (2 copies)

Bakery Formulas Using Fresh Ripe Bananas. New York : Bakery Formula Service, Fruit Dispatch Company, 1941.

The Banana Anna Painting Book. London : Elders & Fyffes, [n.d.].

Banana Book. (Baby Looney Tunes). Ashland, OH : Landoll, Inc., 1997. (2 copies)

The Banana Book. Souvenir of Coffs Harbour. New South Wales, Australia : Kororo Parents and Citizens Association/Dunalbe Press Pty, [n.d.].

The Banana Budget. Aug. 3, 1927-July 25, 1928. London: Elders & Fyffes, Ltd., 1928.

Banana Delights. New York : Fruit Dispatch Company, [194?].

Banana Favorites. New York : Fruit Dispatch Company, [n.d.].

Banana Flip, A New Dance Creation. Chicago : Grennan Bakeries, Inc., 1939.

Banana Frozen Deserts. New York : Fruit Dispatch Company, 1941.

Banana Frozen Deserts. Boston : MeloRipe Fruit Company, [n.d.].

Banana Frozen Deserts. Boston : MeloRipe Fruit Company, 1940.

Banana Frozen Deserts. Boston : MeloRipe Fruit Company, 1941.

Banana Hits. Oakland, CA : Safeway Stores Homemakers Bureau, [n.d.].

"The Banana Man" U.S. Kids, June 1997, pp. 16-17.

"Banana Miracle Cures" The Sun, February 20, 2001, p. 29.

"The Banana, or Plantain" The Penny Magazine of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge" London : The Office of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, September 29, 1832.

"Banana Rama" Good Housekeeping, April 1999, pp. 168-177.

Banana Recipes. Jamaica : The Agency for Public Information, Government of Jamaica, 1975.

Banana Recipes. Melbourne, Australia : The Commonwealth Banana Committee, [194?].

Banana Recipes. London : Elders and Fyffes, Ltd., [n.d.].

Banana Recipes for Large Quantity Service. New York : Fruit Dispatch Company, 1948.

Banana Recipes for Your Diet. United Fruit Company, [n. d]. (2 copies)

Banana Recipes - King of Fast Food. Melbourne : Iona Books for La Manna Bananas Pty Ltd., 1996.

Banana Rye Bread; For Persons Allergic to Eggs, Wheat and Milk. New York : United Fruit Company, 1951.

Banana Salad Bazaar. Boston : MeloRipe Fruit Company, [n.d.] (2 copies)

Banana Salad Bazaar. Boston : MeloRipe Fruit Company, 1940.

Banana Salad Bazaar. New York : Fruit Dispatch Company, [n.d.].

Banana Salad Bazaar. New York : Fruit Dispatch Company, 1940. (2 copies)

Banana Salad Bazaar. New York : Fruit Dispatch Company, 1941. (2 copies)

Banana Specialties. New York : Fruit Dispatch Company, [n.d.].

Banana Specialites. Boston : MeloRipe Fruit Company, [n.d.].

The Banana Story [with worksheet]. New York : United Fruit Company, [195?].

Banana Surprises - A Joy to Make - A Delight to Serve. New York : Fruit Dispatch Company, [n.d.].

Bananaland - Middle America [wall chart with worksheet]. New York : United Fruit Company, 1951 (2 copies)

"Bananaman" from The Dandy Annual 2004. London : D. C. Thomson & Co., Ltd., 2003.

Bananas. International Network for the Improvement of Banana and Plantain/International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (INIBAP/IPGRI), 2000. (4 copies)

Bananas. [London] : Southwater, 2000.

Bananas, a Book of Recipes. New York : Lorenz Books, 1997.

Bananas, a Food Children Need. Boston : United Fruit Company, [193?].

Bananas Aren't Just for Monkeys. Billings, MT : The Pack Trail Inn, [n.d.].

"Bananas Banana Fighter!" Concept, model and kit design parody by Jim Wilson. Bananas, number 29, 1979, pp 32-33.

Bananas Cookbook - 101 Recipes with Bananas. Waverly, Iowa : CQ Products, 2003.

Bananas, Cooked and Otherwise. Boston : MeloRipe Fruit Company, [n.d.].

Bananas For Us [with worksheet]. New York : United Fruit Company, [195?].

Bananas...How to Serve Them. New York : Fruit Dispatch Company, 1940.

Bananas...How to Serve Them. Boston : Meloripe Fruit Company, 1941.

Bananas...How to Serve Them. New York : Fruit Dispatch Company, 1941. (2 copies).

Bananas...How to Serve Them. New York : Fruit Dispatch Company, 1942. (2 copies)

Bananas...How to Serve Them. New York : Fruit Dispatch Company, 1947 (2 copies).

Bananas in the Modern Manner, Recipes, Menus and Suggestions for Housewife and Hostess. New York : Banana Growers Association, 1930. (3 copies)

Bananas Need Cold Weather Protection. New York : Fruit Dispatch Company, 1958.

Bananas, Recipes and Information. New York : Fruit Dispatch Company, 1941.

Bananas, Recipes and Menu Suggestions. Boston : MeloRipe Fruit Company, [n.d.].

Bananas, Recipes for Institutional Service and Menus. North River, NY : United Fruit Co., 1954.

Bananas Take a Bow. New York : MeloRipe Fruit Company, [n.d.]. (2 copies)

Bananas Take a Bow. Boston : MeloRipe Fruit Company, 1939.

Bananas Take a Bow. New York : Fruit Dispatch Company, [n.d.].

Bananas Take a Bow. New York : Fruit Dispatch Company, 1939. (2 copies)

Bananas Take a Bow Supplement. New York : Fruit Dispatch Company, 1939.

Bananas Take a Bow Supplement. Boston : MeloRipe Fruit Company, 1939.

Bananas, To Miss Good Cook Everywhere. [Boston] : Fruit Dispatch Company, 1913.

Bananas, Versatile in Health or Illness, a Review of Scientific Literature. New York : United Fruit Company, 1959 [photocopy].

Bananen/Bananas. Phoeno! Eine marke von Scheufelen. Lenningen : Scheufelen, [n.d].

Bananen Geriehte. London : Fyffes, [n.d.].

Banta, Susan. Bananas. Racine, WI : Western Publishing Company, 1994. (3 copies)

Barash, Cathy Wilkinson. "Going Bananas!" Country Living Gardener, February 1996, pp. 56-61+.

Baxter, Tracy. "The Hidden Life of Bananas." Sierra, September/October 1998, pp. 62-63.

Be Bold With Bananas. New York : Crescent Books, [n.d.]. (2 copies)

Beach, Mary. Electric Banana. Cherry Valley, NY : Cherry Valley Editions, 1975.

Beach, Mary. "Gothic Bananas," Bananas (London), January/February 1975, p. 14. Editor: Emma Tennant.

Beach, Mary. A Two-Fisted Banana: Electric & Gothic. Cherry Valley, NY : Cherry Valley Editions, 1980, c1975.

Beaver, Patrick. Yes! We Have Some; The Story of Fyffes. Cutting-Hill, England : Publications for Companies, 1976.

Behm, Holger & Werner Tammen. Alles Banane. Berlin : Rotbuch Verlag, 1990.

Berry, Alana, ed. Go Bananas! Cookbook. Nashville : Lisa Alana Berry, 1992.

Big Banana News! New York : Fruit Dispatch Company, [n.d.]. (1960s?)

Berry, Alana, ed. Go Bananas! Cookbook. Nashville : Runaway Press, 1995 (2nd edition).

Big Banana News! New York : Fruit Dispatch Company, [n.d.].

Black, Dana Yuen. The Banana Book. Hilo, Hawaii : The Petroglyph Press Ltd., 1988. (2 copies)

Blegvad, Lenore. Anna Banana and Me. New York : Aladdin Books, 1985.

Bluh, Bonnie. Banana, A Novel. New York : Macmillan Publishing Company, Inc., 1976.

Blyton, Enid. The Banana Robber and Other Stories. London : Award Publications, Limited, 1988, c1943.

Bogert, L. Jean. Dietary Uses of the Banana in Health and Disease. New York : United Fruit Company, 1935.

Bogert, L. Jean. Dietary Uses of The Banana in Health and Disease, A Review of Scientific Literature. New York : United Fruit Company, 1942 (revised and enlarged edition).

Browne, Anthony. Willy the Dreamer. Cambridge, MA : Candlewick Press, 1998, c1997.

Brownlee, Shannon. "The Best Banana Bred." Atlantic Monthly, Sept. 1989. pp. 22-28.

A Bunch of Bananas. (I Pass This On To You). Kingston-on-Thames : The Women's Gas Federation, [n.d.].

A Bunch of Del Monte Magical Banana Recipes. Del Monte Corporation, 1981[?].

Bury, Herbert. A Bishop Amongst Bananas. London : Wells Gardner, Darton & Co., Ltd., 1911.

Buy Bananas Like This ... Let Ripen and Eat Like This. Boston : United Fruit Company, [n.d.-1930s?].

Byrd, Jane. "I Want A Banana!" U.S. Kids, June 1997, p. 18.

Canine, Craig. "Building a Better Banana." Smithsonian, October, 2005, pp. 96-104.

Care and Display of Bananas. New York : Fruit Dispatch Company, 1955.

"Carmen Miranda On My Mind: International Politics of the Banana," Bananas, Beaches and Bases. by Cynthia Enloe. Berkeley : University of California Press, 2000. pp 124-150.

Cassels, Louise. The Unexpected Exodus; How the Cold War Displaced One Southern Town. Columbia, SC : The University of South Carolina Press, 2007. [displacement of Leigh Banana Case Company]

Catto, Max. The Banana Men. New York : Simon & Schuster, 1967.

Chapman, Peter. Bananas; How the United Fruit Company Shaped the World. Edinburgh, Scotland : Canongate, 2007.

Chiquita Banana Coloring Book. Waltham, Massachusettes : American Publishing Corporation, 1970.

Chiquita Banana Cookbook. Boston : United Fruit Company, 1960. (3 copies)

Chiquita Banana Cookbook. Boston : United Fruit Company, 1962.

Chiquita Banana Cookbook. New York : Avon Books, 1974. (3 copies)

Chiquita Banana Presents 12 Recipes from Her Minute Movies. New York : United Fruit Company, [no date].

Chiquita Banana Presents 18 Recipes from Her Minute Movies. New York : United Fruit Company, 1951. (4 copies)

Chiquita Banana Presents Her Favorite Banana Recipe for Every Month in the Year. New York : United Fruit Company, 1952.

Chiquita Banana's Cookbook. New York : United Fruit Company, 1959.

Chiquita Banana's Recipe Book. New York : United Fruit Company, 1950. (6 copies)

Chiquita Bananas's Recipe Book. New York : United Fruit Company, 1954.

Chiquita Banana's Recipe Book. New York : United Fruit Company, 1956. (4 copies)

Chiquita Banana's Rise 'n Shine Guide. Chiquita Brands, Inc. 1971.

Chiquita Brand Bananas. Boston : United Fruit Sales Corporation, 1969.

Chiquita Cookbook: A Collection of Chiquita Banana Recipes from Associates Around the World. Kearney, NE : Cookbooks by Morris Press, 1996.

Chiquita Mashed Banana Simple Recipes. Boston : United Fruit and Food Corporation, [n.d.-1960s?].

Chiquita's 100% Pure Mashed Banana in Baked Goods. New York : American Home Foods, 1959.

Chomsky, Aviva. West Indian Workers and the United Fruit Company in Costa Rica 1870-1940. Baton Rouge : Louisiana State University Press, 1996.

Cole, Joanna. Anna Banana: 101 Jump-Rope Rhymes. New York : Beech Tree Books, 1991, c1989. (2 copies)

Colin, Paul, Josephine Baker and La Revue Negre: Paul Colin's Lithographs of Le Tumulte Noir in Paris, 1927. New York : Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1998.

"Collector's Cook Book: Bananas." (6-page insert) Woman's Day Magazine,April 1970.

Colourful Banana-Picture-Book. Guayaquil, Ecuador : Direccion Nacional del Banano (National Banana Board), [n.d.].

Cook Bananas...and Win New Hostess Fame! [no publisher], [no date].

Corum, Ann Kondo. Folk Wisdom From Hawaii, Or, Don't Take Bananas on a Boat. Honolulu : The Bess Press, 1985.

Craig, Elizabeth. Banana Dishes. London : Herbert Jenkins, 1962.

Critten, Larry. "Three Bananas." Alfred Hitchcock Mystery. May 1995 (pp. 44-60).

Crowther, Samuel. The Romance and Rise of the American Tropics.Garden City, NY : Doubleday, Doran & Company, Inc., 1929.

The Culture of the Banana, The Plant: Its Development, and Diseases. Lecture by Dr. Darnell-Smith, July 4, 1922. Sydney, New South Wales, Australia : John Spence, Acting Government Printer, 1922.

Cutler, Katherine N. In Search of a Banana Blossom. Rocky Hill, N.J. : Mountain Lion Inc., 1992.

Davies, Gareth and Tim Clark. Official Banana Recipe Book. Uckfield, East Sussex, England : Uckfield Lions Banana Fan Club U.K., [n.d.].

Davies, Peter N. Fyffes and the Banana: Musa Sapientum: A Centenary History 1888-1988. London : The Athlone Press, 1990.

DeBold, Richard. The Banana Shooter, A Novel. Higganum, CT : DeBold Line, Inc., 1992.

Dinces, Abby Duchin. "Bananas Reveal Their Dark Side," Cooking Light, March 1997, pp. 108-113.

The Dole Banana Bonanza. Honolulu : Castle and Cooke, Inc., 1977.

Dosal, Paul J. Doing Business With the Dictators. Wilmington, DE : Scholarly Resources, Inc., 1993.

Drinkard, Michael. Green Bananas. New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 1989.

Duncan, David Ewing. "The Banana Crusade." Seed, July/August 2003, Issue 7, pp. 72-77, 106.

Eight New Banana Recipes Guaranteed to Start Conversation. New York : Fruit Dispatch Company, 1930.

Eight New Banana Recipes Guaranteed to Start Conversation. New York : Fruit Dispatch Company, 1931.

Elffers, Joost and Saxton Freymann. Play With Your Food Postcard Book. New York : Stewart, Tabori & Chang, 1997. [features 5 banana postcards]

Emery-Waterhouse, Frances. Banana Paradise. New York : Stephen-Paul Pulishers, 1947.

Enloe, Cynthia. Bananas, Beaches and Bases. Berkeley : University of California Press, 1990.

Enloe, Cynthia. Bananas, Beaches and Bases. Berkeley : University of California Press, 2000.

Erskine, Jim and George Moran. Fold a Banana, and 146 Other Things to Do When You're Bored. New York : Clarkson N. Potter, Inc., Publishers, 1978 (2 copies)

Erskine, Jim and George Moran. Fold a Banana...Today! London : Frederick Muller Limited, 1979.

Everyday Banana Recipes. New Orleans : Bauerlein, Inc. 1927. (2 copies)

Fahy, Christopher. One Day in the Short Happy Life of Anna Banana, and Other Maine StoriesThomaston, ME : Coastwise Press, 1988. 2 copies

Famous Foods From New England, and Some News Food Ideas from Chiquita Banana. New York : United Fruit Company, [1947?].

Farmer, Jacqueline. Bananas! Watertown, MA : Charlesbridge Publishing, 1999. (hb & pb)

Farney, Teresa J. "Banana Bonanza." The News Tribune, September 10, 2003, p. E1, E4.

Faulkner, Keith. The Mouse Who Ate Bananas. New York : Orchard Books/Scholastic, Inc., 2000.

Favorite Banana Recipes and Interesting Stories of New England Presented by Chiquita Banana. New York : United Fruit Company, [n.d.].

Favorite Banana Recipes from Famous New England Inns Presented by Chiquita Banana. New York : United Fruit Company, 1949.

Favorite Banana Recipes from Famous New England Kitchens Presented by Chiquita Banana. New York : United Fruit Company, 1951.

Feldman, Elane. Going Bananas, The Complete Banana Cookbook. New York : Universe Books, 1978.

Ferguson, James. "A Case of Bananas." Geographical, January 1993, pp. 49-52.

Fifty Recipes for Bananas. London : Martin Books/Simon & Schuster International Group/Sainsbury, 1989.

Flora, Sherrill B. Bananaphone. (Learning With Raffi). Grand Rapids, MI : Instructional Fair/TS Dennison, 1997.

The Food Value of the Banana. 2nd edition. Boston : W. M. Leonard, 1926.

The Food Value of the Banana. 4nd edition. Boston : United Fruit Company, 1928. (2 copies)

Fox, Dennis N. Totally Bananas : The Funny Fruit in American History and Culture. [Philadelphia] : Xlibris Corporation, 2002.

Frank, Dana. Bananeras; Women Transforming the Banana Unions of Latin America. Cambridge, MA : South End Press, 2005.

Freymann, Saxton and Joost Elffers. Play With Your Food Postcard Book. New York : Stewart, Tabori & Chang, 1997. [features 5 banana postcards]

From the Tropics to Your Table, 83 Tested Banana Recipes - Eighty-three Tested Banana Recipes. Fruit Dispatch Company, 1926. (6 copies)

Fruit Dispatch, A Magazine of Service.. v.3, no.1 May 1917-v.3, no.12 Apr. 1918. Boston : United Fruit Company, 1918.

Fruit Dispatch, A Magazine of Service. v. 6,no. 6, October 1920. New York : Fruit Dispatch Company, 1920.

Fruit Dispatch, A Magazine of Service. October 1921. New York : Fruit Dispatch Company, 1921.

Fruit Dispatch, A Magazine of Service. September 1922. New York : Fruit Dispatch Company, 1922.

Fruit Dispatch, A Magazine of Service. v. 9, no. 3, July 1923. New York : Fruit Dispatch Company, 1923.

Fruit Dispatch, A Magazine of Service. August 1924. New York : Fruit Dispatch Company, 1924.

Fruit Dispatch, A Magazine of Service. October 1927. New York : Fruit Dispatch Company, 1927. [features 7 articles about marketing bananas]

Fruit Dispatch Twenty-Fifth Anniversary, 1898-1923. (Fruit Dispatch, v. 9, no. 8, 1923) New York : Fruit Dispatch Company, 1923.

Fuessle, Newton. "The Green Gold of the Tropics," The Outlook. Oct. 4, 1922, pp. 186-188. New York : The Outlook Company, 1922.

Furniss, Charlie. "Battling the Banana Plague," Geographical Magazine, February 2007, pp. 59-63.

The Fyffes Banana Story. London : Elders & Fyffes, Ltd., [n.d.].

Fyffes Bananen Gerichte. [no publishing information or date].

Fyffes Blue Label Brand Party Time Recipe Book. "Printed in England." [n.d.-1960s?].

Fyffes; the World's Oldest Fruit Brand. [UK] : Fyffes Dundalk, 1999. (3 copies)

Geest; First in the Field. [corporate information, [n.d.].

Geest; The Story of Geest Bananas. Spalding, Lincolnshire, UK, [n.d.].

General Insructions Governing Conduct of Business. New York : Fruit Dispatch Company, 1917.

Get Together Dinner On Board the T.E.S. Veragua. (Banana-bunch shaped menu). At Sea - November 17, 1950. United Fruit Company, The Great White Fleet.

Gilson, Jamie. Do Bananas Chew Gum? New York : An Archway Paperback by Pocket Books, 1981, c1980.

Goebel, Wulf. Alles Banane; Art und Alltag des gelben Dings. Heidelberg : Edition Braus, 1995.

Goffe, Leslie Gordon. When Banana Was King; A Jamaican Banana King in Jim Crow America. Kingston, Jamaica : LMH Publishing Limited, 2007.

Goldberg, Mark H. "Going Bananas," 100 Years of American Fruit Ships in the Caribbean. Kings Point, NY : The American Merchant Marine Museum, 1993.

Golden, Lilly, editor. A Literary Feast; An Anthology. "Banana Breakfasts" from Gravity's Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon. New York : Atlantic Monthly Press, 1993, pp. 214-220.

Gonzales, Lori. "Bad Banana Bread." Jack and Jill. September 1999, pp. 8-9.

Gonzales, Lori. "Bad Bananas." Jack and Jill. September 1999, pp. 4-7.

Graham, Seng Gwen. Crazy Banana. Portland? : Seng Gwen Graham/Blurb, 2014?.

Green Gold of the Tropics. (investor prospectus) Los Angeles : Lake Gatun Banana Company, [1924].

Green, Roger. Hydra and the Bananas of Leonard Cohen. New York : Basic Books, 2003.

Guide to Banana Ripeness. Merchandising Department, United Fruit Sales Corporation, [1970s?].

Gutman, Roy. Banana Diplomacy : The Making of American Policy in Nicaragua 1981-1987. New York : Simon & Schuster, 1988.

Hader, Berta and Elmer. Green and Gold, The Story of the Banana. New York : The Macmillan Company, 1936.

Hamilton, Jill. Little Caribbean Cookbook. San Francisco : Chronicle Books, 1990.

Harrison, Mick. Banana Thinking, Creative & Innovative Concepts for Personal Effectiveness. Tulsa : Trade Life Books, 1996.

Hartz, Jon and Jan Tonnesen. Bananarama #1. Lakeside, CA : Hartz & Tonnesen, 1979.

Havabanana! New York : United Fruit Company, [196?].

Heide, Florence Parry. Banana Blitz. Toronto : A Bantam Skylark Book, 1984, c1983. (3 copies)

Heide, Florence Parry. Banana Twist. New York : Random House, 1978.

Heinrich, Arthur & Klaus Naumann. Alles Banane - Ausblicke auf das Endgultige Deutschland. Koln, Germany : PapyRossa Verlag, 1990.

High Times, "High Times Goes Bananas" [3 articles], September 1978.

Hill, Janet McKenzie. A Few Selected Banana Recipes. Boston : United Fruit Company, 1922.

Hoff, Syd. Pedro and the Bananas. New York : Putnam, 1972.

Hoffman, Rosekrans. Anna Banana. New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 1975.

Hollenhorst, Linda. "Growin' Bananas." Organic Gardening, September 1989, pp. 54-60.

Holliday, Zeke. "Go Bananas! Yummy Yellow Fruit Beats Bunches of Ailments," Sun, August 26, 1997, p. 15.

How Bananas Grow [with worksheet]. New York : United Fruit Company, [195?].

How The Right Care of Bananas Will Increase Winter Profits! Fruit Dispatch Company, 1928. (8 copies)

Howe, James. The Day the Teacher Went Bananas. New York : E. P. Dutton, 1984.

Howlett, Lee Ann. "No More Bananas? Oh, No!" U.S. Kids, June 1997, pp. 14-15.

International Banana Festival [program], 29th, September 1991. Fulton, KY and South Fulton, TN : Chamber of Commerceof the Twin Cities.

International Banana Festival [program], 30th, September 1992. Fulton, KY and South Fulton, TN : Chamber of Commerce of the Twin Cities.

It's Bananas Time. Racine, WI : Western Publishing Company (A Golden Book). 1996.

Jacques, Michelle. Anna Banana : 45 Years of Fooling Around with A. Banana. Victoria : Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, 2015.

Jenkins, Virginia Scott. Bananas, An American History. Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press, 2000.

"Josephine Baker and Paul Colin: African American Dance Seen Through Parisian Eyes," by Karen C.C. Dalton and Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Critical Inquiry. Volume 24, No. 4, Summer 1998 (pp. 903-934).

Journey to Banana Land [visual unit and manual]. New York : United Fruit Company, [195?].

Kane, J. J. "Banana Appeal." High Times, September 1978, pp. 56-60.

Katschke, Judy. Disney's Tarzan Goes Bananas. New York : Disney Press, 1999. [3 copies]

Kaye, Barrie. Boa: The Memoirs of a Banana Planter in Remote West Africa. Waplington, York, England : K Books, 2000.

Keller, Charles, comp. Ballpoint Bananas and Other Jokes for Kids. New York : Prentice Hall Books for Young Readers, 1973.

Keller, Charles and Richard Baker, comp. The Star Spangled Banana and Other Revolutionary Riddles. Englewood Cliffs, NJ : Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1974.

Kepner, Charles David. Social Aspects of the Banana Industry. New York : Columbia University Press, 1936.

Kellogg's Corn Flakes and Bananas Recipes. Battle Creek, Michigan : Kellogg Company, 1948.

Kellogg's Corn Flakes and Bananas Recipes. Battle Creek, Michigan : Kellogg Company, 1950.

Kimura, Katsu. Katsu Kimura's Works Booox. Berlin : Benedikt Taschen Verlag, 1991. (2 copies)

Klingel, Cynthia & Robert B. Noyed. Bananas (Wonder Books). Chanhassen, MN : The Child's World, Inc., 2001.

Know More About Bananas, A Handbook for Food Dealers. New York : Fruit Dispatch Company, [n.d.].

Koeppel, Dan. Banana; The Fate of the Fruit That Changed the World. New York : Hudson Street Press, 2008.

Komaiko, Leah. Annie Bananie. New York : A Harper Trophy Book, Harper & Row, Publishers, 1987.

Landau, Elaine. Bananas. (A True Book). Danbury, CT : Children's Press/Grolier, 1999.

Langley, Lester D. and Thomas Schoonover. The Banana Men: American Mercenaries and Entrepreneurs in Central America, 1880-1930. Lexington, KY : The University Press of Kentucky, 1995.

Langley, Lester D. The Banana War; United States Intervention in the Caribbean, 1898-1934.Wilmington, DE : Scholarly Resources, Inc., 2002.

Larmer, Brook. "Brawl Over Bananas," Newsweek, April 28, 1997, pp. 43-44.

Latimer, Dean. "Banana Republicanism." High Times, September 1978, pp. 64-69.

Lee, Melicent Humason. Children of Banana Land. New York : Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1936.

Lessard, W. O. The Complete Book of Bananas. Homestead, Florida : W. O. Lessard, 1992.

Levergood, Carol. Green Bananas. Springfield, MO : Midwest Book Services, 1997.

Leverkus, Carol. The Nutritious Banana: Pointing the Way to Health. London : The Banana Group, [n.d.].

Levien, D. J. Swagbelly. New York : A Plume Book/Penguin Group, 2003.

Lindquist, Carol. The Banana Lover's Cookbook. New York : St. Martin's Press, 1993.

Loeve, Annalese. Work Wonders With Bananas. Pretoria, South Africa : The Banana Board, 1987, 3rd ed.

Lyke, M.L. "Banana Museum Testimony To a Passion For the Fruit," The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, May 2, 2000. pp. E1+

Mac Tin Tac #1, 1990. Montreal : Gogo Guy Publications. (10 copies)

Mac Tin Tac #2, September 1991. Do Bananas Have a Soul? Montreal : Gogo Guy Publications. (5 copies)

Mad Magazine, June 1968 (banana peel cover).

Magness, J. R. "Banana, Fruit of the Wise Men." National Geographic, Sept. 1951. pp. 358-359.

Mandrell, James. "Carmen Miranda Betwixt and Between, or, Neither Here Nor There." Latin American Literary Review, January-June 2001, pp. 26+.

Many Ways of Cooking Bananas. London : Elders and Fyffes, Ltd., [1909?].

Many Ways of Cooking Bananas. London : Elders and Fyffes, Ltd., [1911?]. [Alf Cooke, Ltd., Leeds and London]

(2 copies) Many Ways of Cooking Bananas. London : Elders and Fyffes, Ltd., [1912?]. [Hazell, Watson & Viney, Ld., London and Aylesbury--12/8846]

Many Ways of Cooking Bananas. London : Elders and Fyffes, Ltd., [1913?]. [Deverell, Sharpe and Gibson, Ltd., Bread St. Hill, E.C.-28712]

Many Ways of Cooking Bananas. London : Elders and Fyffes, Ltd., [1920?]. [The McAra Printing Co., Ltd., 46 Peartree Street, E.C. 1]

May, Stacy and Galo Plaza. The United Fruit Company in Latin America. Washington, DC : National Planning Association, 1958.

McCann, Thomas. An American Company, The Tragedy of United Fruit. New York : Crown Publishers, Inc., 1976.

McCarthy, Jenna. "Can Bananas Make You Fat?" Health, April 2001. pp. 52-57.

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The New Banana. New York : United Fruit Company, [n.d.]. (Newcomb Printing Company, New York.)

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Robson, Pam. Banana (What's for Lunch?). London : Children's Press/Grolier, 1997.

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Schlesinger, Stephen and Stephen Kinzer. Bitter Fruit: The Story of the American Coup in Guatemala. Cambridge, MA : Harvard University Press, 1998.

Schmidt, David. Going Bananas, A Collection of Photographs With Appeal. Richmond, VA : David Schmidt Photography, 1992.

Sedgwick, Stephanie Witt. "Yes! We Have Nice Bananas; And They Got That Way in Ripening Rooms." The Washington Post, Feb. 3, 1999. pp. F1+

Selected Banana Recipes for Appetizing and Nutritious Dishes. New York : Fruit Dispatch Company, 1923. (2 copies)

Senn, C. Herman. 101 Ways of Cooking Bananas. London : Food and Cookery Publishing Co., [192?]. (4 copies, various years)

Senn, C. Herman. Simple and Dainty Currants and Banana Recipes. [London?],[n.d.].

Serve Bananas in "Latest Style." New York : Fruit Dispatch Company, 1941 (2 copies).

Seven, Richard. "A Hobby With A Peel - She's Bananas About That Fruit, And She Hasn't Slipped Up Yet." The Seattle Times, May 9, 1997. pp. E1+

Sheehan, Susan and Howard Means. The Banana Sculptor, the Purple Lady, and the All-Night Swimmer. New York : Simon & Schuster, 2002.

Shepard, Reba E. Banana Cookbook. London : Macmillan/Caribbean, 1989, c1986.

A Short History of the Banana, and a Few Recipes for Its Use. Recipes by Janet McKenzie Hill. Boston : United Fruit Company, 1904. (2 copies)

Sicherman, Al. "Bananarama! Yes, We Have Some Bananas, And Some Banana Trivia." p. T1. "A Mellow Yellow Fruit." p. T8. Star Tribune (Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN) , April 7, 2005,

Simmonds, N.W. Bananas. London: Longmans, 1966 (2nd edition).

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Skinner, Zena. The ABC of Banana Cookery. London : Fyffes Group Limited, [n.d.]

Sloat, Warren. The United Fruit Co. in Guatemala; or, Watch Out for the Top Banana. Voluntown, CT : AVILA [196?].

Small, Jennifer and David Small. Once Upon a Banana. New York : Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 2006.

Smith, Nila B. and Irene M. Becket. The Story of Bananas. Silver Burdett Company, 1938.

Smith, York. The Banana Murders. London : Macdonald & Co., Ltd., 1958.

Soluri, John. Banana Cultures: Agriculture, Consumption, and Environmental Change in Honduras and the United States. Austin : University of Texas Press, 2005.

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Stemman, Roy. Geest 1935-1985. London : Alsace Print and Production, 1986.

Stephens, Clyde S. Bananeros in Central America; True Stories of the Tropics. Alva, FL : Banana Books, 1989.

Stine, Bob. Going Out! Going Steady! Going Bananas! The Bananas Dating Guide. New York : A Banana Book From Scholastic Paperbacks, 1979.

The Story of Fruit Dispatch Company Service. New York : Fruit Dispatch Company, 1926.

The Story of Growing Cavendish Bananas in Peace Valley. Winter Haven, FL : Taylor-Anderson Company, Inc., 1925.

The Story of the Banana. Boston : United Fruit Company, 1921.

The Story of the Banana. Boston : United Fruit Company, 1925 (3rd revised edition). (2 copies)

The Story of the Banana. Boston : United Fruit Company, 1927 (4th revised edition).

The Story of the Banana. Boston : United Fruit Company, 1929 (5th edition).

The Story of the Banana. Boston : United Fruit Company, 1936. (3 copies)

Striffler, Steve and Mark Moberg, eds. Banana Wars: Power, Production and History in the Americas. Durham, NC : Duke University Press, 2005, c2003.

A Study of the Banana, Its Every Day Use and Food Value (student's manual). New York : United Fruit Company, [no date]. (3 copies)

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Superman. Number 154, 1962. Banana Boat cover.

Swain, Heather. Eliot's Banana. New York : Downtown Press, 2003.

Taylor-Hall, Mary Ann. "Banana Boats." How She Knows What She Knows About Yo-Yos. Louisville, KY : Sarabande Books, 2000, pp 65-99.

Telegraph Code. New York : Fruit Dispatch Company, 1930.

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Tennant, Emma, editor. Bananas. London : Quartet Books Limited, 1977.

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Thompson, Sandra. Wild Bananas, a novel. Boston : The Atlantic Monthly Press, 1985.

Tippell, Diane. Banana. Morristown, NJ : Silver Burdett, 1986.

To Miss Good Cook Everywhere from Fruit Dispatch Company, [n.l.] : Fruit Dispatch Company, 1913.

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Tritten, Larry. "Three Bananas." Alfred Hitchcock Mystery, May 1995, pp. 44-60.

21 Chiquita Banana Classics. Boston : United Fruit Company, 1959. (2 copies)

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O.K. for T.V., and San Souci, from Top Banana, A New Musical Comedy, by Johnny Mercer. New York : Chappell-Mercer Corporation, 1951.

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When Banana Peels Are Blooming I'll Come Sliding Back to You, by F. Samuel Herbert. Allentown, PA : Star Music Company, 1926.

When the Banana Skins are Falling (I'll Come Sliding Back to You), by A. Frazzini, Paul De Frank and Irving Mills. New York : Jack Mills, Inc., 1926.

Yes! We Have No Bananas, by Frank Silver and Irving Cohn. London : Lawrence Wright Music Company, 1923.

Yes! We Have No Bananas, by Frank Silver and Irving Cohn. New York : Skidmore Music Co., Inc., 1923.

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